
Are you curious to learn more about who you are and why? Are you experiencing an intense shift in the current phase of your life and unsure of how manage it? Are you interested in having a better understanding of the dynamics that make up our social connections?

Astrology provides us with the opportunity to see the correlations in the universal synchronicities and to use that information to have a more grounded understanding of the choices we make and our individual purpose.

Professional Astrologer Jayme Perry offers unique insights into the self, our relationships with others, and the world around us with personalized birth chart readings.


Earthbound Astrology was founded in 2025 by Jayme Perry. Jayme believes that, as ‘earthbound beings‘, we have the ability to ground ourselves into the empowerment of [Mother]Nature and to use the “map” of the movement of celestial objects and the synchronicities of the Universe to guide us to self-betterment and positive personal growth.

Jayme always had an interest in Astrology, but that interest increased exponentially in her mid-twenties as she learned of and approached her first ‘Saturn Return’. During that time, she consulted with an astrologer who was able to provide invaluable insight into who she was and her abilities to best manage the difficult times and choices she was faced with. She was surprised to find that the interpretations of her birth chart and the benefits of Astrology were supportive of, and practically applied to, the methods she was being taught through psychological therapy.  Since then, she has spent years reading, learning, and practicing Astrology in her personal life.

Jayme aims to make Astrology accessible, easily digestible, and relatable. Her goal is to empower and help others through their own personal journeys to self-discovery, mindfulness, and enlightenment.  She hopes that this approach and outreach will also help shift the societal view of Astrology as “taboo” and allow the principles of the practice to be accepted as a necessary means of connecting with who we are on a deep and meaningful level.


First Time Client Birth Chart Reading

Whether you’re new to or well-versed in Astrology, this reading will provide the time to get into the specifics of your personal birth chart and answer any questions or address any concerns you may have regarding your chart and/or impactful life experiences. The principles and archetypes of Astrology will be discussed and explained during this reading as needed or requested. (Reading Duration Approx. 75 Minutes)

Return Client Birth Chart Reading

This reading is for those who have had an initial birth chart reading with Jayme and would like to explore their birth chart more in-depth by applying other methods of astrology (i.e. relocation, solar return, progressions, asteroids, etc…), to get more information on a specific aspect/placement within their birth chart, or to help best prepare for an upcoming transit. (Reading Duration Approx. 60 Minutes)

Synastry/Composite Readings

This reading is for those who have had an initial birth chart reading and wish to compare or combine two or more birth charts in order to better understand compatibilities and dynamics within those relationships. (Reading Duration Approx. 90 Minutes)


**Please note that all readings will take place on Zoom. Your reading will be scheduled with Jayme directly via email after your booking is confirmed.**


Do you have a question about Astrology or the types of readings offered by Earthbound Astrology? Please fill out the form provided, and Jayme will respond to you as soon as possible.

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